For the next 9 weeks I am going to take a slightly different approach to my ponderizing post. I will still be including my thoughts about a scripture, but it will be related to what I call my personal leadership pattern. This pattern is broken into 9 chapters. Today is chapter 1. Chapter 1 - Leadership is Love in Action We have all heard many definitions of what leadership is. If you asked 100 people to finish this statement “Leadership is . . .” you would likely get 100 different answers. The problem is that each leader is defining leadership based on what has made them a better leader. While there are many people who have been successful leaders that are worth emulating, I don’t think that a particular CEO, military leader, religious leader or politician is able to perfectly model the kind of leadership that that is life changing, or better yet, soul changing. Only by modeling the leadership style of the one perfect being can we begin to...
My random ramblings